The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 30, no. 3, August 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Ken Rodman, Darfur and the Limits of Legal Deterrence
- Patricia A. Weitsman, The Politics of Identity and Sexual Violence: A Review of Bosnia and Rwanda
- Michael Schecter & Michael Bochenek, Working to Eliminate Human Rights Absuses of Children: A Cross-National Comparative Study
- Glen Mitoma, Civil Society and Human Rights: The Commission to Study the Organization of Peace and the Origins of the UN Human Rights Regime
- Jill Marshall, Conditions for Freedom? European Human Rights Law and the Islamic Headscarf Debate
- Murat Sevinç, Hunger Strikes in Turkey
- Steven Greer, What's Wrong with the European Convention on Human Rights?
- Todd Howland, How El Rescate, a Small Non-governmental Organization Contributed to the Transformation of the Human Rights Situation in El Salvador
- Jean Bethke Elshtain, Response to Tom Farer's "Un-just War Against Terrorism and the Struggle to Appropriate Human Rights"
- Tom Farer, Still Searching for Engagement: A Comment on Professor Jean Bethke Elshtain's Response to "Un-just War Against Terrorism and the Struggle to Appropriate Human Rights"