The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 42, no. 2, April 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Marco Bronckers, Private Appeals to WTO Law: An Update
- Ruwantissa Abeyratne, Ground Handling Services at Airports as a Trade Barrier
- Marc Iynedjian, The Case for Incorporating Scientists and Technicians into WTO Panels
- Brian D. Kelly, The Treatment of Profit in the Export Market in Antidumping Duty Proceedings
- Keith Walsh, Trade in Services: Does Gravity Hold?
- Shi Young Lee, Eun-mee Kim, & Young Il Kim, The Effect of the Korean Screen Quota System on Box Office Performance
- Rahul Singh, The World Trade Organization and Legitimacy: Evolving a Framework for Bridging the Democratic Deficit
- Leon E. Trakman, The Proliferation of Free Trade Agreements: Bane or Beauty?