The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 6, no. 2, May 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: The Law of Cruelty: Torture as an International Crime
- Jens David Ohlin & George P. Fletcher, Introduction
- I. The Legal Contours of the Crime of Torture
- Christoph Burchard, Torture in the Jurisprudence of the Ad Hoc Tribunals: A Critical Assessment
- Paola Gaeta, When is the Involvement of State Officials a Requirement for the Crime of Torture
- Antonio Marchesi, Implementing the UN Convention Definition of Torture in National Criminal Law (with Reference to the Special Case of Italy)
- Brad R. Roth, Just Short of Torture: Abusive Treatment and the Limits of International Criminal Justice
- II. Can We Ever Justify or Excuse Torturers?
- Alon Harel & Assaf Sharon, What is Really Wrong with Torture?
- Kai Ambos, May a State Torture Suspects to Save the Life of Innocents?
- Jens David Ohlin, The Bounds of Necessity
- David A. Wallace, Torture v. the Basic Principles of the US Military
- III. Suing Torturers for Compensation: Mission Impossible?
- Jaykumar A. Menon, Guantánamo Torture Litigation
- Bardo Fassbender, Can Victims Sue State Officials for Torture?: Reflections on Rasul v. Myers from the Perspective of International Law
- Notes and Comments
- John C. Dehn, Why Article 5 Status Determinations are not ‘Required’ at Guantánamo
- Antonio Cassese, Under What Conditions May Belligerents be Acquitted of the Crime of Attacking an Ambulance?