Julian D.M. Lew (20 Essex Street Barristers) &
Loukas A. Mistelis (Queen Mary, University of London - Centre for Commercial Law Studies) have published
Arbitration Insights: Twenty Years of the Annual Lecture of the School of International Arbitration (Kluwer Law International 2007). Contents include:
- Loukas Mistelis, Arbitration Insights: Evolution and Themes
- Hazel Fox, States and the Undertaking to Arbitrate
- Giorgio Bernini, The Future of Arbitration: Flexibility or Rigidity?
- Lord Bingham, The Problem of Delay in Arbitration
- E. Allan Farnsworth, Punitive Damages in Arbitration
- Roy Goode, The Adaptation of English Law to International Commercial Arbitration
- Albert Jan Van Den Berg, The Efficacy of Award in International Commercial Arbitration
- Lord Steyn, England's Response to the Uncitral Model Law of Arbitration
- Howard M. Holtzmann, Streamlining Arbitral Proceedings: Some Techniques of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal
- Arthur L. Marriott, "Tell it to the Judge - but only if you must"
- Stephen M. Schwebel, May the Majority vote of an International Arbitral Tribunal be Impeached?
- Kenneth Rokison, "Pastures New": Review of Arbitration Act 1996
- Gerold Herrmann, Does the World need Additional Uniform Legislation on Arbitration?
- V.V. Veeder, Lloyd George, Lenin and Cannibals: The Harriman Arbitration
- Pierre Mayer, Reflections on the International Arbitrator's Duty to Apply the Law
- Elihu Lauterpacht, Arbitration between States and Foreign Investors: Retrospect and Prospect
- William W. Park, Arbitration's Protean Nature: The Value of Rules and the Risk of Discretion
- Alan Redfern, Dissening Opinions in International Commercial Arbitration: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Horacio A. Grigera Naón, Arbitration and Latin America: Progess and Setbacks
- Julian D.M. Lew, Achieving the Dream: Autonomous Arbitration