Friday, September 27, 2024

New Issue: World Trade Review

The latest issue of the World Trade Review (Vol. 23, no. 3, July 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Symposium: Dispute Settlement Inside and Outside of the WTO
    • Chad P. Bown & Petros C. Mavroidis, Things Have Changed: Dispute Settlement Inside and Outside of the WTO in 2022
    • Mona Pinchis-Paulsen, Kamal Saggi, & Petros C. Mavroidis, The National Security Exception at the WTO: Should It Just Be a Matter of When Members Can Avail of It? What About How?
    • Stratos Pahis, Appeals after the Appellate Body
    • Neeraj Rajan Sabitha, Adjudicating Sustainability Standards under FTAs: Labouring the Point Home
    • Chad P. Bown & Kathleen Claussen, The Rapid Response Labor Mechanism of the US–Mexico–Canada Agreement
  • Original Articles
    • Yoshiko Naiki, Smart Cities and International Trade Law
    • Ana Peres, Transience of (In)Formality: The Role of the Joint Initiatives in Reforming the WTO Negotiations
    • Sunayana Sasmal, Dongzhe Zhang, Emily Lydgate, & L. Alan Winters, Exempting Least Developed Countries from Border Carbon Adjustments: Simple Economically but Complex Legally