Sunday, September 22, 2024

New Issue: Netherlands International Law Review

The latest issue of the Netherlands International Law Review (Vol. 71, no. 2, September 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Machiko Kanetake, Denise Prévost, & Jan Wouters, The Russia-Ukraine War and (Dis)Continuity in International Law
  • Andrea Maria Pelliconi, Self-Defence As Remedial Self-Determination: Continuity in Russian Narratives to Justify Imperialism and the Use of Force
  • Ioanna Pervou, Forcible Protection of Nationals Abroad: The Doctrine’s Hegemonic Use
  • Giulio Bartolini, The Ukrainian–Russian Armed Conflict and the Law of Neutrality: Continuity, Discontinuity, or Irrelevance?
  • Marie Terlinden, The Quest for Proportionality in the Changing Landscape of the Unilateral Sanctions of the European Union
  • Hojjat Salimi Turkamani, The Loss and Damage Fund: A Solution to Interpretive Conflicts of Responsibility for Climate Change?
  • Emma van den Boogaard, Environmental Intervention: An Activist Idea or a Legal Tool? An Analysis of the Possibilities of Environmental Protection in Light of the Principle of Non-Intervention