Thursday, April 25, 2024

Call for Papers: Imagining New and Alternative Legal Internationalisms

A call for papers has been issued for a stream on "Imagining New and Alternative Legal Internationalisms," part of a conference on "Legal Imaginaries," organized by the Law, Literature and Humanities Association of Australasia. The conference will take place on December 16-18, 2024, and hosted by the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law. Here's the call:
The international legal order, as we knew it, has changed. Since the early 2000s, we have witnessed significant international changes, including an escalating environmental emergency, the emergence of new ways to wage armed conflicts, the proliferation of new technologies to convey international influence and power, the decline of ‘old’ international powers and the rise of ‘new’ or ‘emerging’ ones, as well as increasingly overt ‘backlash’ against the international institutions and legal norms of the post-WWII international legal order. While it is common for international lawyers to read these events in a register of anxiety and pessimism, this stream seeks to strike a more curious and perhaps even hopeful tone by opening up a conversation about the new and alternative internationalisms that are emerging. In a world where the old is dying and a new hegemonic order has not yet been born, we ask, how can we understand, challenge and re-imagine international law anew? Convenors: Claerwen O'Hara (La Trobe University) and Valeria Vázquez Guevara (University of Hong Kong). For call and submission instructions, please visit the website.