The latest issue of the
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (Vol. 38, no. 3, Fall 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Claudia Annacker, Fragmentation and Integration in International Investment Law: Plus Ça Change
Case Comments
Maria Fanou, Green Power Partners v Spain: Upholding the Intra-EU Objection to Jurisdiction in the ECT Context—A Swerve in the Search for the Line of Two Planes
Mahnaz Malik, Deutsche Lufthansa AG v Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
Julien Chaisse & Kehinde Folake Olaoye, Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co Ltd v The Federal Republic of Nigeria: Special Economic Zones and Investment Treaty Arbitration at Crossroads
Karel Daele, RSE Holdings AG v Republic of Latvia: When Does Double-Hatting Justify the Disqualification of an Arbitrator?
Kei Nakajima, Gramercy v Peru: Vintage Sovereign Land Bonds Protected by a New-Generation International Investment Agreement
- Practice Notes
- Baiju Vasani & Olivia Louise Kaye, Hearing Preparation: A Practical Guide for Counsel
- Articles
- Mees Brenninkmeijer & Fabien Gélinas, Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration: Towards an Integrated Approach
Anuki Suraweera, Shareholder Claims for Reflective Loss in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Proposing Reform Options for States
Sondra Faccio, Investment Contracts and the Reform of Investment Arbitration: Towards Sustainability
Stavros Brekoulakis & Anna Howard, Impartiality and the Construction of Trust in Investor-State Dispute Settlement
- Notes
- Céline Lévesque & Christian Schmid, The 2021 Canadian Model FIPA: More Than Meets the Eye
Mercédeh Azeredo da Silveira & Yulia Levashova, Economic Sanctions, Countermeasures and Investment Claims against the Russian Federation: A Battle on Multiple Fronts
Albert Jan van den Berg, Does an Annulled Award Constitute Legal Authority in Investment Arbitration?