The latest issue of
Ocean Development & International Law (Vol. 54, no. 3, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Camille Goodman, Harnessing the Wind Down Under: Applying the UNCLOS Framework to the Regulation of Offshore Wind by Australia and New Zealand
Frances Anggadi, Camille Goodman, Natalie Klein & Donald R. Rothwell, Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea: Implications for the Customary International Law of the Sea
Angelo Goethals & Frank Maes, Decommissioning Offshore Windfarms and Grid Infrastructure: To Remove or Not to Remove? - A Belgian Law Perspective
Alexander Lott, Maritime Security in the Baltic and Japanese Straits From the Perspective of EEZ Corridors
Christine Bianco, Zenel Garcia & Bibek Chand, What Is Innocent? Freedom of Navigation Versus Coastal States’ Rights in the Law of the Sea