The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 23, no. 4, 2023) is out. Contents include:
Rosemary Grey & Rachel Killean, Communicating Justice: Cambodian Press Coverage of the ECCC’s Final Judgment
Giel Verhagen, Brothers in Arms? The Selection and Prioritisation of Core International Crimes and Terrorism in the Netherlands
Robert Muharremi, From Organ Trafficking to the Kosovo Specialist Chambers:
A Case Study on How Strategic Narratives Influence International Criminal Justice
Megumi Ochi, Taking Illegal Amnesties Seriously: Threefold Approach to the Admissibility Test before the International Criminal Court
Windell Nortje, The Sexual Abuse of African Boy Soldiers by Male and Female Offenders: the Need for an International Criminal Law Response
Volodymyr A. Shatilo, Sergiy O. Kharytonov, Volodymyr M. Kovbasa, Andrii V. Svintsytskyi, & Andrii M. Lyseiuk, Prospects for State and Individual Responsibility in Cases of Aggression in the Context of Russia’s Armed Aggression Against Ukraine
Destaw A. Yigzaw, The Case for Removing the Security Council’s Powers from the International Criminal Court