Thursday, November 17, 2022

New Issue: Cooperation and Conflict

The latest issue of Cooperation and Conflict (Vol. 57, no. 4, December 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • Sara Hellmüller, A trans-scalar approach to peacebuilding and transitional justice: Insights from the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Diana Panke, Gurur Polat, & Franziska Hohlstein, Who performs better? A comparative analysis of problem-solving effectiveness and legitimacy attributions to international organizations
  • Marius Mehrl & Christoph Dworschak, Female rebels and United Nations peacekeeping deployments
  • Peter Albrecht & Maya Mynster Christensen, Trembling city: Policing Freetown’s war-peace transition
  • Emil Edenborg, Disinformation and gendered boundarymaking: Nordic media audiences making sense of “Swedish decline”
  • Benjamin Isakhan & Ali Akbar, Problematizing norms of heritage and peace: Militia mobilization and violence in Iraq