The latest issue of the
World Trade Review (Vol. 21, no. 2, May 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Judith Goldstein & Robert Gulotty, Trading Away Tariffs: The Operations of the GATT System
Patricia Tovar, Political–Economic Determinants of External Import Protection under a Preferential Trade Agreement
Daniel J. Gervais, TRIPS Pluralism
James J. Nedumpara, Sparsha Janardhan, & Aparna Bhattacharya, Agriculture Subsidies: Unravelling the Linkages between the Amber Box and the Blue Box Support
Zhen Zhang, Yue Gao, & Taoyuan Wei, The Impact of Trade Barrier Reductions on Global Value Chains for Agricultural Products in China and Countries along the ‘Belt and Road’
Research Note
Christian Delev, A Moral Stretch? US–Tariff Measures and the Public Morals Exception in WTO Law