The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 43, no. 4, November 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Tara Van Ho, Defining the Relationships:
“Cause, Contribute, and
Directly Linked to” in the
UN Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Rights
Lumina S. Albert, The Unintended
Consequences of the
Legalization of Prostitution:
Lifting the Veil:
The Unintended
Consequences of the
Legalization of Prostitution
Sophia Hatz, What Shapes Public
Support for Torture, and
Among Whom?
Wenwen He, Unresolved Issues Regarding
Hukou Registration
Following Implementation
of China’s Universal
Two-child Policy
Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick & Amelia Watkins-Smith, Agency Continuum? A Non-
Binary Approach to Agency
Among Human Rights
Violators and Victims
Rachel Mazique, Deaf Rights as Human Rights:
Delimiting the Human with
Literatures of “The Hearing
Aurore Schwab, IHRL and the Defamation of
Religions: Can We Change
the Subject?
Marika McAdam, Continuing to pay the Price
for Freedom: The Ongoing
Detention of Victims After
Their Trafficking Experience