The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Law (Vol. 32, no. 3, August 2021) is out. Contents include:
Letters to the Editors
Freddie Sourgens, Tara Van Ho, Cancelling Schmitt
- Editorial: Brexit, the Irish Protocol and the ‘Versailles Effect’;
In This Issue; In This Issue – Reviews
Bernard M. Hoekman & Petros C. Mavroidis, Preventing the Bad from
Getting Worse: The End of the World (Trade Organization) As We Know It?
Antonio Coco & Talita de Souza Dias, ‘Cyber Due Diligence’:
A Patchwork of Protective Obligations in International Law
Felix E. Torres, Reparations: To What End? Developing the State’s
Positive Duties to Address Socio-economic Harms in Post-conflict
Settings through the European Court of Human Rights
Johannes Hendrik Fahner, In Dubio Mitius: Advancing Clarity and
Modesty in Treaty Interpretation
EJIL: Debate!
Gábor Kajtár & Gergő Barna Balázs, Beyond Tehran and Nairobi:
Can Attacks against Embassies Serve as a Basis for the
Invocation of Self-defence?
Tom Ruys, Can Attacks against Embassies Serve as a Basis for the
Invocation of Self-Defence? A Reply to Gábor Kajtár and Gergő Balázs
EJIL: Debate!
Alec Stone Sweet, Wayne Sandholtz & Mads Andenas, Dissenting
Opinions and Rights Protection in the European Court: A Reply to
Laurence Helfer and Erik Voeten
Laurence R. Helfer & Erik Voeten, Walking Back Dissents on the
European Court of Human Rights: A Rejoinder to Alec Stone Sweet,
Wayne Sandholtz and Mads Andenas
Roaming Charges: Places with a Soul
Agata Wiącek, Pining for Re-entry
Critical Review of Governance
Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, ‘Soft Law’, Informal Lawmaking and ‘New
Institutions’ in the Global Counter-Terrorism Architecture
Book Review Symposium: Martti Koskenniemi, To the Uttermost
Parts of the Earth: Legal Imagination and International Power,
Nehal Bhuta. ‘Let us suppose that universals do not exist’: Bricoleur and
Bricolage in Martti Koskenniemi’s To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth
Julia Costa Lopez, Of Sovereign Kings and Propertied Subjects:
Beginnings and Alternatives: Chapter 1: Legal Imagination
in a Christian World
Luigi Nuzzo, The Law That Wasn’t There: Chapter 2: The Political
Theology of Ius Gentium – The Expansion of Spain 1524–1559
Francesca Iurlaro, Disenchanting Gentili: Chapter 3: Italian Lessons.
Ius Gentium and Reason of States
Benjamin Straumann, Is the Law the Soul of the State?: Chapter 4:
The Rule of Law – Grotius
Daniel Lee, Delegating Sovereignty: Chapter 5: Governing Sovereignty:
Negotiating French Absolutism in Europe
Gabriella Silvestrini, Historical Imagination: Reason, Revolution,
Restoration: Chapter 6: European Public Law 1715–1804
Gillian Weiss, A Mediterranean View on Slavery and French Empire:
Chapter 7: Colonies, Companies, Slaves: French Dominium in the World,
Sarah Mortimer, From the Margins to the Centre: The Law of Nature
and of Nations in England and Britain: Chapter 8: The Law and
Economics of State-Building: England c.1450–c.1650
Thomas Poole, Time for Federalist Speculation: Chapter 9:
Giving Law to the World – England, 1635–1830
Priya Satia, Risking a Colonial Anticolonialism: Chapter 10: Global
Law: Ruling the British Empire
Ere Nokkala, Contexts of Early Modern German Legal Imagination:
On Transformations of German Natural Law – Governing the
State-Machine: Chapter 11: A Science of State-Machines
Nehal Bhuta, ‘Like a Tree in the Garden of State Sciences’: From
Staatswissenschaften to External Public Law: Chapter 12: The End of
Natural Law: German Freedom 1734–1821
Martti Koskenniemi, ‘Stuck in Salamanca’: A Response
Review Essays
Carl Landauer, The Stuff of International Law. Review of
Jessie Hohmann and Daniel Joyce (eds), International Law’s Objects
David M. Scott & Ukri Soirila, The Politics of the Moot Court. Review of
Mark Thomas and Lucy Cradduck, The Art of Mooting: Theories,
Principles and Practice
Book Reviews
Mai Taha, reviewing Cait Storr, International Status in the Shadow of
Empire: Nauru and the Histories of International Law
Fabian Simon Eichberger, reviewing Gus van Harten, The Trouble
with Foreign Investor Protection
The Last Page
Juana Inés de la Cruz, Hombres necios que acusáis