The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 55, no. 6, 2021) is out. Contents include:
Axel Berger, Manjiao Chi, Bernard Hoekman, Makane Moïse Mbengue, Karl P. Sauvant, & Matthew Stephenson, Facilitating Sustainable Investment To Build Back Better
Alice Pirlot & Henri Culot, When International Trade Law Meets Tax Policy: The Example of Digital Services Taxes
Elli Louka, The New Trade Order: Conflicts, Internet Standards and Human Security
Yanning Yu, The Issue of Non-market Economy Status in China’s Anti-dumping Investigations Against Imports: A Development for the Implementation of New Rules or A Balancing Strategy?
Yury Rovnov, EU-Ukraine Arbitration: Will WTO Law Become More Deferential Outside the WTO?
Kyounghwa Kim, The ‘Equivalent’ Standard in WTO Arbitrations of Trade Remedy Disputes
Chien-Huei Wu & Mao-Wei Lo, Is Currency Undervaluation a Subsidy: US Law and Practice and the WTO Compatibility