The latest issue of the
Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 20, no. 2, June 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Xuan Shao, What We Talk about When We Talk about General Principles of Law
Chaoyi Jiang, Decoding China’s Perspectives on Cyber Warfare
Jinyup Kim, Tackling Biopiracy in International Investment Arbitration: Consideration of the Perspective(s) of Developing Countries
- Comment
- Ignacio de la Rasilla & Hao Yayezi, The Community of Shared Future for Mankind and China’s Legalist Turn in International Relations
- To Fight a New Coronavirus: Special Section of Letters and Comments (Part II)
- Vanda Lamm, Some Remarks on International Health Legislation and the WHO
Barry Sautman, Big Thunder, Little Rain: The Yellow Peril Framing of the Pandemic Campaign Against China
Sufian Jusoh & Intan Murnira Ramli, The COVID-19 Pandemic, Regional Cooperation Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Rise of Investment Facilitation
Bartłomiej Sierzputowski, To Cope with a Pandemic: Effects on Certain International Agreements
Letters to the Journal
Chengming Yang & Chaohui Sun, The Swiss Federal Tribunal Annulled the Arbitral Award in the SUN Yang v. WADA & FINA Case: The Applicant’s Duty of Curiosity on the Qualifications of an Arbitrator and the Neutrality of the Arbitrator
Zhan Yangjun, The Expropriation Exception in the US Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: Federal Republic of Germany et al. v. Philipp et al.