Tuesday, September 28, 2021

New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

The latest issue of the International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 25, no. 8, 2021) is out. Contents include:
  • Qerim Qerimi, Dignity in transition: the constitutional and operational potential and limits of human dignity seen from the lens of post-conflict societies
  • Tenia Kyriazi, Legal pluralism, Sharia law and the right to fair trial: a case for incompatibility within the Council of Europe
  • Ahmed Almutawa & Konstantinos Magliveras, Enforcing women’s rights under the Arab Charter on human rights 2004
  • Paulo Montenegro, Stereotypical payback: the case of felony disenfranchisement and its full impropriety under international human rights law
  • Jeremy Sarkin, The 2020 United Nations human rights treaty body review process: prioritising resources, independence and the domestic state reporting process over rationalising and streamlining treaty bodies
  • Sean Molloy, Why do states ratify human rights treaties in transitioning societies?
  • Christelle Genoud, Vernacularisation from above: finance’s appropriation of human rights in land governance
  • Melek Saral, Human rights challenges in post-uprising Egypt: political actors’ reflections on the years of 2011–2013