The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 24, no. 2, June 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Special Economic Zones in International Economic Law: Towards Unilateral Economic Law
Julien Chaisse & Georgios Dimitropoulos, Special Economic Zones in International Economic Law: Towards Unilateral Economic Law
Douglas Z Zeng, The Past, Present, and Future of Special Economic Zones and Their Impact
Panagiotis Delimatsis, Financial Services Trade in Special Economic Zones
Jie (Jeanne) Huang, The Latest Generation of SEZs: Consumer-Oriented Unilateralism in China’s E-Commerce Trade
Joanna Lam & Rui Guo, Investor Obligations in Special Economic Zones: Legal Status, Typology, and Functional Analysis
Lorenzo Cotula & Liliane Mouan, Labour Rights in Special Economic Zones: Between Unilateralism and Transnational Law Diffusion
Georgios Dimitropoulos, International Commercial Courts in the ‘Modern Law of Nature’: Adjudicatory Unilateralism in Special Economic Zones
Sherzod Shadikhodjaev, The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and Unilateralism of Special Economic Zones
James J Nedumpara, Manya Gupta, & Leïla Choukroune, WTO Litigation and SEZs: Determining the Scope of Exceptional Trade Unilateralism
Manjiao Chi, Regulation of Special Economic Zones Through Regional Trade Agreements: Confronting the Synergy Issue
Julien Chaisse, Dangerous Liaisons: The Story of Special Economic Zones, International Investment Agreements, and Investor–State Dispute Settlement
Frederik Heitmüller & Irma Mosquera, Special Economic Zones Facing the Challenges of International Taxation: BEPS Action 5, EU Code of Conduct, and the Future