The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 21, no. 3, 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Elena Maculan, International Crimes or Ordinary Crimes? The ‘Dual Classification of the Facts’ as an Interpretive Method
Matteo Colorio, A Commander’s Motivations and Geographical Remoteness under Command Responsibility: An Analysis of Controversial Issues of the Bemba Appeal Judgment
Mohammad Hadi Zakerhossein, Situation-Oriented Designation of the International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction by Non-Member States
Susann Aboueldahab & Inês Freixo, App-Generated Evidence: A Promising Tool for International Criminal Justice?
Gregor Maučec, On Implementation of Intersectionality in Prosecuting and Adjudicating Mass Atrocities by the International Criminal Court
Barry de Vries, An Equivalent to Article 8(2)(b)(xx) icc Statute for Non-International Armed Conflicts? Is it Warranted on the Basis of International Customary Law?
Dovilė Sagatienė, Deconstruction of Soviet Deportations in Lithuania in the Context of the Genocide Convention