The latest issue of the
Review of International Political Economy (Vol. 28, no. 1, 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Forum on "Institutions under pressure: the international political economy of states and firms in East Asia"
Natasha Hamilton-Hart & Henry Wai-chung Yeung, Institutions under pressure: East Asian states, global markets and national firms
Stephen Bell & Hui Feng, Rethinking critical juncture analysis: institutional change in Chinese banking and finance
Yin-wah Chu, Democratization, globalization, and institutional adaptation: the developmental states of South Korea and Taiwan
Jong-sung You, The changing dynamics of state–business relations and the politics of reform and capture in South Korea
Elizabeth Thurbon & Linda Weiss, Economic statecraft at the frontier: Korea’s drive for intelligent robotics
Jamie S. Davidson, Opposition to privatized infrastructure in Indonesia
- Articles
Johannes Petry, Jan Fichtner & Eelke Heemskerk, Steering capital: the growing private authority of index providers in the age of passive asset management
Merisa S. Thompson, Cultivating ‘new’ gendered food producers: intersections of power and identity in the postcolonial nation of Trinidad
Yingyao Wang, Policy articulation and paradigm transformation: the bureaucratic origin of China’s industrial policy
Rena Sung, Erica Owen & Quan Li, How do capital and labor split economic gains in an age of globalization?
Danielle Guizzo, Andrew Mearman & Sebastian Berger, ‘TAMA’ economics under siege in Brazil: the threats of curriculum governance reform