The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 65, no. 4, April 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Dara Kay Cohen, Connor Huff, & Robert Schub, At War and at Home: The Consequences of US Women Combat Casualties
Brandon K. Yoder & Kyle Haynes, Signaling under the Security Dilemma: An Experimental Analysis
Ricardo Maertens, Adverse Rainfall Shocks and Civil War: Myth or Reality?
Efe Tokdemir, Evgeny Sedashov, Sema Hande Ogutcu-Fu, Carlos E. Moreno Leon, Jeremy Berkowitz, & Seden Akcinaroglu, Rebel Rivalry and the Strategic Nature of Rebel Group Ideology and Demands
Pearce Edwards, Why No Justice for Past Repression? Militaries and Human Rights Organizations in Post-Authoritarian States
Allard Duursma & Feike Fliervoet, Fueling Factionalism? The Impact of Peace Processes on Rebel Group Fragmentation in Civil Wars
David B. Carter & Luwei Ying, The Gravity of Transnational Terrorism