Saturday, January 16, 2021

New Issue: International Peacekeeping

The latest issue of International Peacekeeping (Vol. 28, no. 1, 2021) is out. Contents include:
  • Louise Wiuff Moe, The Dark Side of Institutional Collaboration: How Peacekeeping-counterterrorism Convergences Weaken the Protection of Civilians in Mali
  • Fernando Rodrigues Goulart, Blue Helmets, Armed Groups, and Peace at Stake: Does Combat Motivation Matter for Robust Peacekeeping to Succeed?
  • Philipp Lottholz, The Roles and Practices of Civil Society Actors in Police Reform in Kyrgyzstan: Activism, Expertise, Knowledge Production
  • Arif Saba & Shahram Akbarzadeh, The ICC and R2P: Complementary or Contradictory?
  • Jessica Moody, Reaching for the Impossible?: Coordinating DDR and Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Côte d’Ivoire
  • Nicole Jenne & Fiorella Ulloa Bisshopp, Female Peacekeepers: UNSC Resolution 1325 and the Persistence of Gender Stereotypes in the Chilean Armed Forces