The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 14, no. 3, November 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- Hugo van der Merwe & M Brinton Lykes, Racism and Transitional Justice
- Anushka Sehmi, Judicializing economic violence as means of dismantling the structural causes of atrocity in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Hollie Nyseth Brehm, Louisa L Roberts, Christopher Uggen, & Jean-Damascene Gasanabo, ‘We Came To Realize We Are Judges’: Moral Careers of Elected Lay Jurists in Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts
Mikkel Jarle Christensen, The Borderlands between Punitive and Non-punitive Transitional Justice: Distinct Elites and Diverging Patterns of Import/export
James A Sweeney, Kenneth Andresen, & Abit Hoxha, Transitional Justice and Transitional Journalism: Case-Study on Kosovo
Adam Kochanski, The Missing Picture: Accounting for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence during Cambodia’s ‘Other’ Conflict Periods
Stephen Hopkins, The Politics of Apology and the Prospects for ‘Post-conflict’ Reconciliation: The Case of the Provisional Irish Republican Movement
Cynthia M Horne, Transitional Justice and Temporal Parameters: Built-In Expiration Dates?
Ruth Rubio-Marin & Dorothy Estrada-Tanck, Transitional Justice Standards on Reparations for Women Subjected to Violence in the CEDAW Committee’s Evolving Legal Practice
Joseph Geng Akech, Rethinking Transitional Justice in South Sudan: Critical Perspectives on Justice and Reconciliation
- Review Essay
- Ingrid Samset, Towards Decolonial Justice