The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 25, no. 2, 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Özgür H. Çɪnar, Conscientious objectors seeking asylum: a comparative perspective
Ala Al-Mahaidi, Securing economic livelihoods for Syrian refugees: the case for a human rights-based approach to the Jordan Compact
José L. Gurría Gascón, Nhora Magdalena Benítez Bastidas & Ana María Hernández Carretero, Otherness, oppression and empowerment of the indigenous towns in the inter-Andean alley (Ecuador)
Carla Winston, Truth commissions as tactical concessions: the curious case of Idi Amin
Frederick Cowell, Reservations to human rights treaties in recommendations from the universal periodic review: an emerging practice?
Philipp Wesche, Business actors and land restitution in the Colombian transition from armed conflict
Rachel Killean, From ecocide to eco-sensitivity: ‘greening’ reparations at the International Criminal Court
Anna Lawson & Angharad E. Beckett, The social and human rights models of disability: towards a complementarity thesis