- Articles
- Milan Babic, Javier Garcia-Bernardo & Eelke M. Heemskerk, The rise of transnational state capital: state-led foreign investment in the 21st century
- Samuel Knafo & Sahil Jai Dutta, The myth of the shareholder revolution and the financialization of the firm
- Florence Dafe, Ambiguity in international finance and the spread of financial norms: the localization of financial inclusion in Kenya and Nigeria
- Jack Seddon, Merchants against the bankers: the financialization of a commodity market
- Vincent Woyames Dreher, Divergent effects of international regulatory institutions. Regulating global banks and shadow banking after the global financial crisis of 2007–2009
- Christian Rauh & Michael Zürn, Authority, politicization, and alternative justifications: endogenous legitimation dynamics in global economic governance1
- Jean-Philippe Thérien & Vincent Pouliot, Global governance as patchwork: the making of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Shahar Hameiri, Institutionalism beyond methodological nationalism? The new interdependence approach and the limits of historical institutionalism
- Alice Evans, Overcoming the global despondency trap: strengthening corporate accountability in supply chains
- Michael E. Odijie, Is traditional industrial policy defunct? Evidence from the Nigerian cement industry
- Sébastien Rioux, Genevieve LeBaron & Peter J. Verovšek, Capitalism and unfree labor: a review of Marxist perspectives on modern slavery
- Commentary
- Adeel Malik & Max Gallien, Border economies of the Middle East: why do they matter for political economy?
Sunday, May 31, 2020
New Issue: Review of International Political Economy
The latest issue of the Review of International Political Economy (Vol. 27, no. 3, 2020) is out. Contents include: