The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 54, no. 2, 2020) is out. Contents include:
- James Bacchus & Simon Lester, The Rule of Precedent and the Role of the Appellate Body
Simon B.C. Lacey, Reality Check: The lack of consensus on new trade rules to govern the digital economy
Joachim Åhman, Exploring Border Areas Between the Law of State Responsibility and WTO Law
Pratyush Nath Upreti, Trade Mark Restrictions under the TRIPS Agreement: The WTO Panel Findings on Australia’s Tobacco Plain Packaging Legislation
Uros Zdravkovic, Ex officio Claimant: A Challenging Proposal for Reforming the WTO
Luis Carlos Ramírez Martínez, WTO Legal Reform: The Need for Revisiting the Treatment Accorded to China as a Non-Market Economy in Trade Remedies
Sebastian Beckerle, Executive Powers within the International Trading System – A Comparative Analysis of EU, Swiss, U.S. and Canadian Frameworks