The latest issue of the
Journal of International Peacekeeping (Vol. 22, nos. 1-4, 2018) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Rwanda Revisited: Genocide, Civil War, and the Transformation of International Law
- Romeo Dallaire, Foreword–Rwanda Revisited: Genocide, Civil War, and the Transformation of International Law
Phillip Drew, Jeremy Farrall, Rob McLaughlin & Bruce Oswald, Introduction
Colin Keating, Rwanda: The Political Failure of the UN Security Council
Andrew Wallis, Rwanda’s Forgotten Years: Reconsidering the Role and Crimes of Akazu 1973–1993
Jean Bou, Underpowered and Mostly Unwanted: A Short History of UNAMIR
J.J. Frewen, Rwanda Revisited: UNAMIR II: Australian Reflections on the Mission and the Mandate
Bruce ‘Ossie’ Oswald, UNAMIR: A Deployed Legal Officer’s Retrospective
Phillip Drew & Brent Beardsley, Do Not Intervene: UNAMIR’s Rules of Engagement from the Inside
Tamsin Phillipa Paige, Wilfully Blind: The Security Council’s Response to Genocide in Rwanda
Melanie O’Brien, Defining Genocide
Phillip Drew, Rwanda, the Holocaust, and the Predictable Path to Genocide
Linda Melvern, Moral Equivalence: The Story of Genocide Denial in Rwanda
David J. Simon, Rwanda and the Rohingya: Learning the Wrong Lessons?
Adam Jones, Gendering Rwanda Genocide and Post-Genocide
Emily Crawford, The ICTR and Its Contribution to the Revivification of International Criminal Law
M.A. Drumbl, Post-Genocide Justice in Rwanda
Jane Boulden, Rwanda: Lessons Observed. Lessons Learned?