The latest issue of the
Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (Vol. 12, no. 2, 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Trump’s Trade Policy
- Chang-fa Lo, Preface for the AJWH’s Special Issue on President Trump’s Trade Policy – Proper Assessment of the Possible Disruption to the Status Quo
Chang-fa Lo, To Lead or not to Lead – Reverting President Trump’s Retreat from United States’ Traditional Leading Role in Promoting Human Rights Through Trade
Deborah Elms & Bhargav Sriganesh, Trump’s Trade Policy: Discerning Between Rhetoric and Reality
Fernando Dias Simões, Making Trade Policy Great Again: What Policymakers Should Learn from Trump’s Election
Andrew D. Mitchell & Emma Gan, Policy & Legal Issues Raised by the Proposed U.S. Border Adjustable Tax
Tsai-fang Chen, To Judge the “Self-Judging” Security Exception Under the GATT 1994 – A Systematic Approach
Ching-Wen Hsueh, Undeniable Obligations to Gaia: U.S. Remaining Investment Obligations After Its Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
Tomohiko Kobayashi, Revisiting the Legal Nature of “Un-Signing” an Unratified Treaty: Broader Implications of U.S.’ Withdrawal from the TPP
Junji Nakagawa, TPP-11 as a Means to Revive the TPP After U.S.’ Withdrawal
Jaemin Lee, Skepticism, Unilateralism or Ultimatumism?: Trump Administration’s Trade Policy and the Korea–U.S. FTA