The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 39, no. 3, August 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Paul Hunt, Configuring the UN Human Rights System in the "Era of Implementation": Mainland and Archipelago
- Isabel Marcus, Compensatory Women's Rights Legal Education in Eastern Europe: The Women's Human Rights Training Institute
- Christof Heyns & Willem Gravett, "To Save Succeeding Generations from the Scourge of War": Jan Smuts and the Ideological Foundations of the United Nations
- Ahmed Khanani, Decentering the Human: Moroccan Islamism and Rights
- Lorenza B. Fontana & Jean Grugel, Deviant and Over-Compliance: The Domestic Politics of Child Labor in Bolivia and Argentina
- Abby Kendrick, Measuring Compliance: Social Rights and the Maximum Available Resources Dilemma
- Paloma Soria Montañez, Viviana Waisman, & Keina Yoshida, The Prosecution of Sexual and Gender Crimes in the National Courts of Argentina
- Catherine Renshaw, Global or Regional?: Realizing Women's Rights in Southeast Asia