The latest issue of
Global Constitutionalism (Vol. 6, no. 2, July 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Independence in a World of Intersecting Legal
and Political Regimes
K.M. Fierke, Introduction: Independence, global entanglement and
the co-production of sovereignty
Silvia Suteu, The Scottish independence referendum and the participatory
turn in UK constitution-making: The move towards a
constitutional convention
Luis Moreno, Europeanisation and Catalonia’s in(ter)dependence
Alexander Orakhelashvili, Kosovo and intersecting legal regimes: An interdisciplinary analysis
Pablo Rueda-Saiz, Indigenous autonomy in Colombia: State-building processes
and multiculturalism
Hung-Jen Wang, Traditional empire–modern state hybridity: Chinese tianxia
and Westphalian anarchy
Noé Cornago, Beyond self-determination: norms contestation, constituent
diplomacies and the co-production of sovereignty