The latest issue of
Transnational Environmental Law (Vol. 5, no. 2, October 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- Thijs Etty, Veerle Heyvaert, Cinnamon Carlarne, Dan Farber, Bruce Huber, & Jolene Lin, A Celebration of the Fifth Anniversary of Transnational Environmental Law
Anniversary Issue
Jacqueline Peel, Foreword
Sébastien Jodoin & Sarah Mason-Case, What Difference Does CBDR Make? A Socio-Legal Analysis of the Role of Differentiation in the Transnational Legal Process for REDD+
Christina Voigt & Felipe Ferreira, ‘Dynamic Differentiation’: The Principles of CBDR-RC, Progression and Highest Possible Ambition in the Paris Agreement
Philippe Cullet, Differential Treatment in Environmental Law: Addressing Critiques and Conceptualizing the Next Steps
Patrícia Galvão Ferreira, ‘Common But Differentiated Responsibilities’ in the National Courts: Lessons from Urgenda v. The Netherlands
Lisa Benjamin, The Responsibilities of Carbon Major Companies: Are They (and Is the Law) Doing Enough?
Paula Castro, Common But Differentiated Responsibilities Beyond the Nation State: How Is Differential Treatment Addressed in Transnational Climate Governance Initiatives?
- Maria Antonia Tigre, Cooperation for Climate Mitigation in Amazonia: Brazil’s Emerging Role as a Regional Leader
Anna Huggins & Md Saiful Karim, Shifting Traction: Differential Treatment and Substantive and Procedural Regard in the International Climate Change Regime