The latest issue of the
African Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 24, no. 4, November 2016) is out. Contents include:
Women and Poverty: Human Rights Perspectives
- Jaakko Kuosmanen, Meghan Campbell & Laura Hilly, Introduction – Women and Poverty: A Human Rights Perspective
Sam Rugege, Women's Empowerment in Rwanda: The Respective Roles of Courts and Policy
Sandra Fredman, Women and Poverty – A Human Rights Approach
Jeni Klugman & Sarah Twigg, Gender at Work in Africa: Legal Constraints and Opportunities for Reform
Juliana Masabo, Making the EAC Regime Beneficial to Female Labour Migrants
Pamela Abbott & Dixon Malunda, The Promise and the Reality: Women's Rights in Rwanda
Tabeth Masengu, Customary Law Inheritance: Lessons Learnt from Ramantele v. Mmusi and others
- Article
- Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu & Philip Attuquayefio, Rule of Law and the ‘Do You Know Who I Am’ Syndrome: Reflections on Political Security in Ghana