The latest issue of
International Relations (Vol. 30, no. 3, September 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Critical Perspectives on the Responsibility to Protect: BRICS and Beyond
Gareth Evans, Foreword
Charles E Ziegler, Critical perspectives on the Responsibility to Protect: BRICS and beyond
- Charles Cater & David M Malone, The origins and evolution of Responsibility to Protect at the UN
Benjamin N Schiff, Can the International Criminal Court contribute to the Responsibility to Protect?
Timothy William Waters, The spear point and the ground beneath: territorial constraints on the logic of Responsibility to Protect
Vitaly Kozyrev, Harmonizing ‘Responsibility to Protect’: China’s vision of a post-sovereign world
Charles E Ziegler, Russia on the rebound: using and misusing the Responsibility to Protect
Sumit Ganguly, India and the Responsibility to Protect
Oliver Stuenkel, Brazil and Responsibility to Protect: a case of agency and norm entrepreneurship in the Global South
Karen Smith, South Africa and the Responsibility to Protect: from champion to sceptic