The latest issue of the
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (Vol. 31, no. 3, 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Port State Jurisdiction: Challenges and Potential
- Cedric Ryngaert & Henrik Ringbom, Introduction: Port State Jurisdiction: Challenges and Potential
Judith Swan, Port State Measures—from Residual Port State Jurisdiction to Global Standards
Andrew Serdy, The Shaky Foundations of the FAO Port State Measures Agreement: How Watertight Is the Legal Seal against Access for Foreign Fishing Vessels?
Robin Churchill, Port State Jurisdiction Relating to the Safety of Shipping and Pollution from Ships—What Degree of Extra-territoriality?
Bevan Marten, Port State Jurisdiction over Vessel Information: Territoriality, Extra-territoriality and the Future of Shipping Regulation
Arron N. Honniball, The Exclusive Jurisdiction of Flag States: A Limitation on Pro-active Port States?
Laura Carballo Piñeiro, Port State Jurisdiction over Labour Conditions: A Private International Law Perspective on Extra-territoriality