The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict & Security Law (Vol. 21, no. 2, Summer 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Masahiko Asada,
A Path to a Comprehensive Prohibition of the Use of Chemical Weapons under International Law: From The Hague to Damascus
- Ray Murphy,
UN Peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Protection of Civilians
Amy Barrow,
Operationalizing Security Council Resolution 1325: The Role of National Action Plans
- Tim Wood,
‘A Few Rotten Apples’: A Review of Alleged Detainee Abuse by British Personnel in Iraq Following the Al Sweady Inquiry. Is There Still a Case to Answer?
Rob McLaughlin & Hitoshi Nasu,
The Law’s Potential to Break—Rather Than Entrench—the South China Sea Deadlock?
Csaba Törő,
The Practice and Patterns of EU Military Operations in Concert with the United Nations