The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 60, no. 7, October 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Christopher M. Sullivan, Undermining Resistance: Mobilization, Repression, and the Enforcement of Political Order
Monika Nalepa & Emilia Justyna Powell, The Role of Domestic Opposition and International Justice Regimes in Peaceful Transitions of Power
- Yonatan Lupu,
Why Do States Join Some Universal Treaties but Not Others? An Analysis of Treaty Commitment Preferences
Vincenzo Bove, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, & Petros G. Sekeris,
“Oil above Water”: Economic Interdependence and Third-party Intervention
Philip Arena & Anna O. Pechenkina,
External Subsidies and Lasting Peace
Stine Aakre, Leif Helland, & Jon Hovi,
When Does Informal Enforcement Work?