Call for Submissions: CJICL Volume 5(2)
Ends on 12/19/2015
The Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (CJICL) is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed journal run by members of the PhD and wider postgraduate community of the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law. The Editorial Board is pleased to invite submissions for its fifth volume.
General call for submissions – comparative and international law
The Board welcomes long articles, short articles, case notes and book reviews that engage with themes of public and private international and comparative law, as well as EU and transnational law. All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review by our Editorial Board. In addition, all long articles are sent to our Academic Review Board, which consists of distinguished international and comparative law scholars and practitioners. A full list of reviewers is available on our website.
The deadline for submissions is 12th December 2015 at 11.59 p.m. Only submissions received by this date will be considered for publication in Volume 5, Issue 2, to be published in Spring 2016.
Further submission information
The Journal accepts the following types of manuscript:
1. Long Articles between 6,000 and 10,000 words but not exceeding 12,000 words including footnotes;
2. Short Articles not exceeding 6,000 words including footnotes;
3. Case Notes, including substantive analysis, not exceeding 3000 words including footnotes; and
4. Book Reviews not exceeding 2500 words including footnotes.Please list the word count of the text and the footnotes on your manuscript.
All copies must be submitted in Word (.doc) or (.docx) format and must conform to our style guidelines, which are available at the following links:
OSCOLA Fourth edition
OSCOLA: Citing International Law SourcesPlease ensure that your manuscript does not contain any reference to your personal or professional identity.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Call for Submissions: Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law
The Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law has issued a call for submissions for its volume 5, issue 2. Here's the call: