The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 9, no. 2, July 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Nicola Henry,
From Reconciliation to Transitional Justice: The Contours of Redress Politics in Established Democracies
Yeliz Budak,
Dealing with the Past: Transitional Justice, Ongoing Conflict and the Kurdish Issue in Turkey
Victor Igreja,
Amnesty Law, Political Struggles for Legitimacy and Violence in Mozambique
Yi Shin Tang,
International Justice through Domestic Courts: Challenges in Brazil’s Judicial Review of the Amnesty Law
Lucas Lixinski,
Cultural Heritage Law and Transitional Justice: Lessons from South Africa
Siona O’Connell,
Injury, Illumination and Freedom: Thinking about the Afterlives of Apartheid through the Family Albums of District Six, Cape Town
Vincent Druliolle,
Recovering Historical Memory: A Struggle against Silence and Forgetting? The Politics of Victimhood in Spain
Enzo Nussio, Angelika Rettberg, & Juan E. Ugarriza,
Victims, Nonvictims and Their Opinions on Transitional Justice: Findings from the Colombian Case