The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 19, no. 3, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Legal Empowerment
Lars Waldorf, Introduction: legal empowerment in transitions
Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona & Kate Donald, Beyond legal empowerment: improving access to justice from the human rights perspective
Arnaud Kurze, Christopher Lamont & Simon Robins, Contested spaces of transitional justice: legal empowerment in global post-conflict contexts revisited
Janet E. Lord & Michael Ashley Stein, Peacebuilding and reintegrating ex-combatants with disabilities
Robert Porter, Transition and empowerment: experience of conflicts and legal empowerment in transitioning countries
Martin Jones. Legal empowerment and refugees on the Nile: the very short history of legal empowerment and refugee legal aid in Egypt
Damiano de Felice, Banks and human rights due diligence: A critical analysis of the Thun Group's discussion paper on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Olga Martin-Ortega, Opi Outhwaite & William Rook, Buying power and human rights in the supply chain: legal options for socially responsible public procurement of electronic goods
Nilay Saiya, The religious freedom peace