The latest issue of
The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Vol. 14, no. 1, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Giorgio Gaja, Requesting the ICJ to Revoke or Modify Provisional Measures
- The Contribution of Courts and Tribunals to the Development of International Law
Maurizio Arcari, Enrico Milano & Attila Tanzi, Introduction
- Robert Kolb,
The Jurisprudence of the Permanent Court of International Justice Between Utilitas Publica and Utilitas Singulorum
- Jochen von Bernstorff,
Hans Kelsen on Judicial Law-Making by International Courts and Tribunals: A Theory of Global Judicial Imperialism?
- Christian J. Tams,
Meta-Custom and the Court: A Study in Judicial Law-Making
- Micaela Frulli,
The Contribution of International Criminal Tribunals to the Development of International Law: The Prominence of opinio juris and the Moralization of Customary Law
- Stephan W. Schill & Katrine R. Tvede,
Mainstreaming Investment Treaty Jurisprudence
- Francesco Seatzu,
The Treatment of International Law in the Jurisprudence of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal
Peter Bachmayer & August Reinisch, The Role of Judges at Austrian Courts in the Development of International Law