The latest volume of the
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (Vol. 44, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Air and Missile Warfare
Kenneth Watkin, Targeting in Air Warfare
Marco Sassòli & Anne Quintin, Active and Passive Precautions in Air and Missile Warfare
Charles H.B. Garraway, The Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects from the Effects of Air and Missile Warfare: Are there any Differences Between the Immediate Battlefield and the Extended Battlefield?
Peter Hostettler, Reflections on the Law of Neutrality in Current Air and Missile Warfare
Michel Bourbonnière & Ricky J. Lee, Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello Considerations on the Targeting of Satellites: the Targeting of Post-Modern Military Space Assets
- International Humanitarian Law
Asa Kasher, Combatants’ Life and Human Dignity
Robert Cryer, The Role of International Criminal Prosecutions in Increasing Compliance with International Humanitarian Law
Yoram Dinstein, Issues Relating to the Use of Civilian “Human Shields”
- Discrimination
Iddo Porat, Between Intentional Discrimination and Discriminatory Side Effects