The latest issue of the
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (Vol. 29, no. 2, Spring 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Deutsche Institution Für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit E.V. (Dis) 2nd Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Lecture 13 September 2013
Albert Jan van den Berg,
Should the Setting Aside of the Arbitral Award be Abolished?
- Case Comments
- Tai-Heng Cheng & Robert Trisotto,
Urbaser SA and others v Argentine Republic and Teinver SA and others v Argentine Republic: A Workaround to the Most-Favoured-Nation Clause Dispute
Karel Daele,
Saint Gobain v Venezuela and Blue Bank v Venezuela: The Standard for Disqualifying Arbitrators Finally Settled and Lowered
Alexandre Genest,
Mobil Investments v Canada: A Blow to Policy Space and Predictability for Measures Subject to Reservations
Arno E. Gildemeister,
Burlington Resources, Inc v Republic of Ecuador: How Much is Too Much: When is Taxation Tantamount to Expropriation?
Christoph Schreuer,
Víctor Pey Casado and President Allende Foundation v Republic of Chile: Barely an Annulment
- Articles
- Carolyn B. Lamm, Brody K. Greenwald, & Kristen M. Young,
From World Duty Free to Metal-Tech: A Review of International Investment Treaty Arbitration Cases Involving Allegations of Corruption
Brandt J C Pasco,
United States National Security Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment:: From Classified Programmes to Critical Infrastructure, This is What the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States Cares About
Joost Pauwelyn,
At the Edge of Chaos?: Foreign Investment Law as a Complex Adaptive System, How It Emerged and How It Can Be Reformed
Prabhash Ranjan,
India and Bilateral Investment Treaties—A Changing Landscape
Tania Voon, Andrew Mitchell, & James Munro,
Parting Ways: The Impact of Mutual Termination of Investment Treaties on Investor Rights
- Notes
Heather L. Bray,
ICSID and the Right to Water: An Ingredient in the Stone Soup: 2013 ICSID Review Student Writing Competition
Francisco-Xavier Paredes,
La conformité de l’investissement au droit national, condition de sa protection internationale: Concours de rédaction de l’ICSID Review 2013
Joe Tirado, Matthew Page, & Daniel Meagher,
Corruption Investigations by Governmental Authorities and Investment Arbitration: An Uneasy Relationship