The latest issue of the
ASA Bulletin (Vol. 31, no. 3, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Alexander R. Markus, Rechtsmittel gegen Entscheide des juge d’appui bei der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit der Schweiz
- Laurence Burger, The Trouble with Salini (Criticism of and Alternatives to the Famous Test)
- Asli Bayata Canyaş, Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Turkey. Further Steps Towards a More Arbitration-Friendly Approach
- Dimitrij Euler & Giuseppe Bianco, Breaking the Bond: Vulture Funds and Investment Arbitration
- Michael Wietzorek, Decisions from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan related to Arbitration Proceedings Held in Switzerland
- Dirk de Meulemeester & Maud Piers, The New Belgian Arbitration Law