The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Relations (Vol. 19, no. 2, June 2013) is out. Contents include:
- J.C. Sharman,
International hierarchies and contemporary imperial governance: A tale of three kingdoms
Jennifer L. Erickson,
Market imperative meets normative power: Human rights and European arms transfer policy
Christopher S. Browning & Matt McDonald,
The future of critical security studies: Ethics and the politics of security
Evgeny Roshchin,
(Un)Natural and contractual international society: A conceptual inquiry
Peter Haldén,
Republican continuities in the Vienna Order and the German Confederation (1815–66)
Feng Zhang,
The rise of Chinese exceptionalism in international relations
Rosemary Foot & Andrew Walter,
Global norms and major state behaviour: The cases of China and the United States
Kamran Matin,
Redeeming the universal: Postcolonialism and the inner life of Eurocentrism
Benjamin Banta,
Analysing discourse as a causal mechanism