The latest issue of the
Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 2, no. 2, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
Daniel Bethlehem, The Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law in Situations of Armed Conflict
Remigius Nnamdi Nwabueze, Legal Control of Burial Rights
Arnold Pronto, The Effect of War on Law—What happens to their treaties when states go to war?
Yangmay Downing, Ocean Acidification and Protection under International Law from Negative Effects: A Burning Issue amongst a Sea of Regimes?
Georgina Bryan, Lions under the Throne: The Constitutional Implications of the Debate on Prisoner Enfranchisement
Aldo Zammit Borda, Precedent in International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
Case Analyses
Naomi Burke, Nicaragua v Colombia at the ICJ: Better the Devil You Don't?
Henri Decoeur, The Year 2012 in International Criminal Courts and Tribunals: A Retrospect
Geraldo Vidigal, Enforcing Democracy at the Regional Level: Paraguay's Suspension before the Mercosur Court