The latest volume of the
New Zealand Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 9, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- C. Brighton,
Speculation and Significance: Japan’s Scientific Whaling Before the International Court of Justice
- Lewis Mills,
Bereft of Life? The Charter Prohibition on the Use of Force, Non-state Actors and the Place of the International Court of Justice
- Patrick C.R. Terry,
The War in Afghanistan – Was the Use of Force Legal and/or Wise?
- Kate Neilson,
Ending Impunity: Bringing Superiors of Private Military and Security Company Personnel to Justice
- Andreas Schloenhardt & Ellen Bevan,
To Ratify or Not to Ratify? Exploring the Barriers to Wider Ratification of the Trafficking in Persons Protocol
Commentaries and Notes
Alex Conte,
Reflections and Challenges: Entering into the Second Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism/li>
- Elana Geddis,
“Moving Forward – But Where is it Heading?” A Comment on Developments in the UN Sixth Committee’s Discussions on Universal Jurisdiction