The latest volume of the
African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law (Vol. 2011) is out. Contents include:
Brian Sang,
Clearing some of the Fog of War over Combatting Terrorists on the Frontiers of International Law : Targeted Killing and International Humanitarian Law
- John-Marc Iyi,
Somali Piracy, UNSC Resolutions 1816-1851 : Dilemma of State Failure and the Burden of Legitimacy
- Muhammed Tawfiq Ladan,
Legal and Policy Imperatives for the Prevention, Protection, Assistance and Durable Solutrion to the Plight of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Nigeria
- Kesolofetse Lefenya,
The Convention on Cluster Munitions (2008) : Implications for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in Africa
- Garth Abraham,
Universal Jurisdiction and the African Union (AU) : ". . . the Wrong Side of History"?
- Elizabeth Macharia-Mokobi,
Towards Complementarity in Botswana
- Dan Kuwali, "Humanitarian Rights" : Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law by the African Court of Human Rights
- Abubakar Matazu, The Domestic Implementation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in Nigeria : Issues and Challenges