The latest issue of the
International Review of the Red Cross (Vol. 93, no. 884, December 2011) is out. The theme is "The Future of Humanitarian Action." Contents include:
- Discussion
Discussion: What are the future challenges for humanitarian action?
New Threats, New Responses
Elizabeth Ferris,
Megatrends and the future of humanitarian action
Randolph C. Kent,
Planning from the future: an emerging agenda
Claudia McGoldrick,
The future of humanitarian action: an ICRC perspective
Humanitarian Principles Put at Test
Felix Schwendimann,
The legal framework of humanitarian access in armed conflict
- Brad A. Gutierrez, Sarah DeCristofaro & Michael Woods,
What Americans think of international humanitarian law
- Jamie A. Williamson,
Using humanitarian aid to ‘win hearts and minds’: a costly failure?
- Bruno Pommier,
The use of force to protect civilians and humanitarian action: the case of Libya and beyond
Ajay Madiwale & Kudrat Virk,
Civil–military relations in natural disasters: a case study of the 2010 Pakistan floods
In Folio
Paul Bouvier,
‘Yo lo vi’. Goya witnessing the disasters of war: an appeal to the sentiment of humanity
Changing Actors and Evolving Practice
Andrea Binder & Claudia Meier,
Opportunity knocks: why non-Western donors enter humanitarianism and how to make the best of it
François Audet,
What future role for local organizations? A reflection on the need for humanitarian capacity-building
Pierre Gentile,
Humanitarian organizations involved in protection activities: a story of soul-searching and professionalization
Peter Walker & Catherine Russ,
Fit for purpose: the role of modern professionalism in evolving the humanitarian endeavour
Philippe Régnier,
The emerging concept of humanitarian diplomacy: identification of a community of practice and prospects for international recognition
Patrick Meier,
New information technologies and their impact on the humanitarian sector