The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 16, no. 7, 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Caroline Fleay, Transnational activism, Amnesty International and human rights in China: the implications of consistent civil and political rights framing
Samar El-Masri,
Challenges facing CEDAW in the Middle East and North Africa
Ronagh J.A. McQuigg,
What potential does the Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women hold as regards domestic violence?
Patrick G. Coy,
Nonpartisanship, interventionism and legality in accompaniment: comparative analyses of Peace Brigades International, Christian Peacemaker Teams, and the International Solidarity Movement
Melissa T. Labonte,
Whose responsibility to protect? The implications of double manifest failure for civilian protection
Hannah Miller,
A change in charity law for England and Wales: examining War on Want's foremost adoption of the new human rights charitable purpose
Diya Uberoi, Maria de Bruyn & Beatriz Galli,
Using human rights to address consequences of criminal laws on sexuality and reproductive autonomy
Mark Findlay,
Paradox in preventing and promoting torture: marginalising ‘harm’ for the sake of global ordering. Reflections on a decade of risk/security globalisation
Claire Garbett,
The legal representation of the civilian and military casualties of contemporary conflicts: unlawful victimisation, its victims and their visibility at the ICTY
Darren O'Byrne,
Re-imagining the theory of human rights
Lana Zannettino,
From Auschwitz to mandatory detention: biopolitics, race, and human rights in the Australian refugee camp