Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Call for Papers: Latin American Society of International Law 2012 Biennial Conference

The Latin American Society of International Law has issued a call for papers for its 2012 Biennial Conference. The theme is: "Latin America: Heritage and Inheritance in International Law." Here's the call (English/Spanish):

Latin American Society of International Law

Biennial Conference 2012

Latin America: Heritage and Inheritance in International Law


Rio de Janeiro Brazil 23-25 August 2012

Ever since their independence Latin American States have exercised significant influence on the progressive development of international law. Having arrived to international society during the first quarter of the nineteenth century these States were confronted with a largely unfavorable international legal system. This prompted an immediate concern among the newly independent States for the formulation of clear rules to protect their autonomy. In asserting these rights they provided solid bases for the transformation of international law. Remarkably the following century saw the generalization of these rules one after the other which today constitutes the body of international law.

During its Biennial Conference in 2012 the Latin American Society of International Law (LASIL) seeks to assess the development of international law taking Latin America as a focal point. The global situation of the past decade has prompted the revisionism of cosmopolitan and universalist tendencies and an increasing reliance on regional and national perspectives to address pressing issues. The global economic crisis the unprecedented growth of emerging countries and the insecurity derived from complex armed activities has favored inward-looking responses with far-reaching implications of a legal political and economic character. The Biennial Conference will evaluate these issues from a wider perspective while situating Latin America on the global stage.

The first objective of the Conference is to evaluate the region’s main contributions to the development of general international law overtime. The second consists in identifying legal responses to the new international challenges of our time.

I. Conference Format

The Program will consist of two parts: one plenary session and six discussion tables. Speakers at the discussion tables will be selected in accordance with the present Call. Participants and speakers may use any of the four LASIL languages (Spanish Portuguese English and French).

II. Eligibility of Speakers

This Call for Papers is open to academics and practitioners of all levels including PhD students. To ensure a rich discussion account will be taken of diverse perspectives and geographical representation.

Priority will be given to original presentations addressing a topic under the general conference theme.

III. Topics

1. International human rights tribunals and the Inter-American System

2. Migration: between national security and protection of the individual

3. Violence and armed conflict situations: differences and affinities

4. Dispute settlement and the Pact of Bogota

5. Developments in trade and investment: the environmental breakthrough

6. Cultural diversity in Latin America

IV. Selection

Proposals should be sent electronically to LASIL’s Board of Directors before 31 March 2012 through the following e-mail addresses: karina.perezrouco@graduateinstitute.ch and monica.naime@graduateinstitute.ch Proposals shall include the following:

a. Name of the discussion table in which they intend to participate

b. An abstract of 500 words of the proposed topic

c. Name of author(s) and institutional affiliation (if applicable)

d. CV of author(s) including a list of publications

e. Contact details of author(s) (including e&mail and phone number)

f. The language of the presentation

The LASIL Board of Directors will constitute a Committee responsible for the selection of proposals. The final decision regarding the inclusion of papers on the conference’s agenda will be notified to the participants not later than 30 April 2012. Finalized versions of the papers must be submitted by 31 July 2012. Only one proposal per person is allowed.

V. Conference Details

The conference will take place at Rio de Janeiro Brazil from 23 to 25 August 2012. No attendance fees are required.

LASIL is unfortunately currently unable to cover travel and accommodation expenses.